Public Works
The Frenchville Public Works Department is responsible for 27 miles of road maintenance and reconstruction, sewer main and drainage maintenance, mowing, street plowing/snow removal/sanding, spring town-wide cleanup, street sign maintenance, ditching/shoulder/road grading, roadside brush and limb cutting, fleet management, and assisting with needs of other Town departments. Our fleet is made up of two wheeler trucks equipped with plow gear and sander, one single axle truck with plow gear and sander, one grader with a wing, a wheel loader, and 4wheel drive pickup with plow.
Staffing consists of 3 full time employees, including a director, and two laborers.
Public Works Director - Eric Blanchette
Laborer - Chad Ouellette
Laborer - Randy Dumais
Contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office: 207-543-6402
Directors Cell - 207-316-9909
Summer Hours (May- September): 6am.-5pm. Monday thru Thursday
Winter Hours (October- April): 7am.-4pm. Monday thru Friday