Birth Certificates
In the State of Maine, when the birth of a child occurs, a birth certificate is filed in the municipal clerk's office in the town where the birth occurred, as well as in the municipal clerk's office of the town of residence where the mother was living at the time of the child's birth. Since August 2013 the birth of a child is no longer recorded at the municipal office. However a certified copy may be obtained through the clerk's office.
Proof of Identification and Lineage Required
In order for a person to obtain a certified copy of a birth, marriage, or death record, the requestor must present proof of identification. They must also present proof of direct and legitimate interest in the record if they are acquiring a record other than their own record.
Allowable forms of identification include:
- Drivers License
- Passport
- Government issued ID
- Or two forms of the following:
- Utility Bill
- Bank Statement
- Vehicle registration
- Income tax return
- Personal Check w/ address
- A previously issued vital record
- Letter from government agency requesting record (DHHS, WIC)
- Department of Corrections I.D. card
- Social Security Card
- DD 214
- Hospital; birth worksheet
- License/rental agreement
- Pay stub
- W-2
- Voter Registration card
- Disability award from SSA
- Medicare/Medicaid insurance card
- School picture ID card
- Employee photo ID badge
To request a certified copy of a birth certificate, please write or fax the town Clerk a letter including the following information:
- Date of Birth
- Full name of the deceased including first, middle, and last name
- Name and mailing address where we should send the certificate
- Number of certified copies you are ordering
- Your relationship to the deceased
- A photo ID and any supporting documentation for direct and legitimate interest.
To authorize someone else to obtain a certified death certificate for you, please complete an Authorization to Release a Vital Record Form available at the town office.
Any requests by mail must included the following forms and the documentation above.
Vital Records Request Form
Authorization to Release a Vital Record
Submission Information:
To authorize someone else to obtain a certified birth certificate for you, please complete an Authorization to Release a Vital Record Form available at the town office.
Payment Information
The fee for a certified copy is $15. Each additional copy (of the same record) ordered at the same time is $6. Please make check or money order payable to "The Town of Frenchville." Both the application form and/or the letter of request may be mailed or faxed to:
Town Clerk
Frenchville, ME 04745
Fax: (207) 543-7322
If you have any questions please call us at 207-543-7301