Death Certificates
New Regulations
Effective July 12, 2010, the state law changed regarding access to vital records. In order for a person to obtain a certified copy of a death record, the requestor must present proof of identification. They must also present proof of direct and legitimate interest in the record if they are acquiring a record other than their spouse.
Allowable forms of identification include:
- Drivers License
- Passport
- Government issued ID
- Or two forms of the following:
- Utility Bill
- Bank Statement
- Vehicle registration
- Income tax return
- Personal Check w/ address
- A previously issued vital record
- Letter from government agency requesting record (DHHS, WIC)
- Department of Corrections I.D. card
- Social Security Card
- DD 214
- Hospital; birth worksheet
- License/rental agreement
- Pay stub
- W-2
- Voter Registration card
- Disability award from SSA
- Medicare/Medicaid insurance card
- School picture ID card
- Employee photo ID badge
To request a certified copy of a death certificate, please write or fax the town Clerk a letter including the following information:
- Date of death
- Full name of the deceased including first, middle, and last name
- Name and mailing address where we should send the certificate
- Number of certified copies you are ordering
- Your relationship to the deceased
- A photo ID and any supporting documentation for direct and legitimate interest.
To authorize someone else to obtain a certified death certificate for you, please complete an Authorization to Release a Vital Record Form available at the town office.
Any requests by mail must included the following forms and the documentation above.
Vital Record Request Form
Authorization to Release a Vital Record
Submission Information
The first certified copy is $15 and any subsequent certified copies requested at the same time, for the same record, are $6 per copy.
Please make the check or money order payable to "The Town of Frenchville." Both payment and the application form and/or the letter of request may be mailed or faxed to:
Town Clerk
Frenchville, ME 04745
Fax: (207) 543-7322
Call us if you have any questions at 207-543-7301